Once you become part of God’s family, you’ll want to live differently. There are lots of ways. You can read your Bible, come to church, and forgive your friends and family if they do something you don’t like or they hurt your feelings just like God forgave you. The way we choose to live our life and the actions we take, show others that we are a part of God’s family and follow Jesus. Let’s look at some questions and try to answer them to see how our hearts are and how they should change. 

If we want to live differently, we will have to say “NO” to some of the things that don’t make us a good family member. The Bible says that we become a new person!


- Do you think about God during the day? Do you pray to Him and tell Him what you need? Do you ask Him questions?

- Do you think bad things about people? Do you say bad things about them in your heart?

- Are kind words coming out of your mouth? Or, are you saying mean, unkind words that aren’t even allowed?

- Do you talk to friends about Jesus, and about how your heart has changed?

- Do you think about your choices before you act and make sure you are pleasing God?

When you have a changed heart, you want to do kind and God pleasing things we’re talking about.

Today’s final bead is green. It reminds me of growing, like a plant; it changes every single day. When you become part of God’s family, you change too! You will be a different person than you were before you believed. As you learn more and more, you’ll change more and more to be like Jesus.

Let’s check it off! I am going to say a statement and you make a big check in the air if it’s “a change of heart” and a big X if “it’s living in our old ways.”

I pray to God.

I talk about God to my family.

I take toys that I want before asking.

I say ugly words when I am mad.

I ask God questions.

I tell friends about how God changed my heart.

I read the Bible.

These are not all easy. Start with one, read your Bible everyday, pray every night, ask God questions, or talk to my family or friends about how God has changed my heart. Practice. You learn more about God and yourself every time you do it.

Dear God, Thank you for all that you have taught me this week. God, I understand more than I did before and I want to learn more! Help me to change my heart by (fill-in with what they identified as wanting to do better at). Thank you for Jesus and how He helped with my SIN problem. Thank you for allowing me to be part of Your family! Amen.

After going through these devotionals with your child and you feel like they are ready for Baptism, register for our next one using the link below!

Salvation Plan- God’s plan to save us by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us.

Confess-Asking God for forgiveness

Pray-Talking to God out loud or in our thoughts

Repent- Telling God you are sorry for your sin, asking for forgiveness, and making the choice not to sin in that way again.

Christ Follower- Believe in what Jesus did on the cross and receive the free gift of forgiveness.

Sin- Bad choices and wrong thoughts (disobeying God)

Live It Out- How you show others you believe in Jesus