What is Growth Track?
God designed the church to help equip His people.
The Waters Edge Growth Track is created to do just that! We’ll help you uncover and become all that God has called you to be.
You will go through a four-step experience, either in-person or on-demand.
Whether you are new to our church, new to faith, or you just want to get more connected to everything we are doing, this experience is for you!
The 4 Steps of Growth Track
In Step 1 you’ll learn more about what we believe as a church and the part God is calling you to play. We’ll help you to discover more about your faith and the incredible future God has for you.
In Step 2 you’ll learn the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and see how your unique design reveals the purpose you were created to fulfill.
In Step 3 you’ll learn more about the importance of belonging. Community is an absolutely essential part of your spiritual journey. As a church we believe that the best way to grow is together.
In Step 4 you’ll learn why being a Christ-follower also requires us to be a generous giver. We’ll share what we do with our finances as a church and help you to understand how to give to God through the church, not to the church.

Click a step to get started!