At Waters Edge, we believe everybody needs a Group. Whether you are interested in exploring God's word, connecting with like-minded individuals, or joining a supportive community, we have a group for you!

Our Groups Directory Is Live!!

Semester Dates: Week of Feb 9th - Week of May 25th

Where People Become Family

Connect Group is where individuals commit to share their life with each other and grow spiritually together.

Where Learning & God Collide

Grow Groups give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in a specific topic.

Where Hope Is Found

Care Groups are where you can find care and support when life gets difficult.

Where Fun Is Had

Common Interest Groups give you the chance to connect and build relationships through an activity.

We believe everybody needs a Group so much that we offer childcare reimbursement for all members during the Group Semester.

This is where the link will jump to

Growth Track is your first step!

Already Completed Growth Track?

Contact us at

  • Most Groups meet weekly, and bi-weekly, but some Groups meet once a month.

  • Some groups will kayak and talk about life. Other Groups might pick a Bible study or topic to walk through, while others discuss Sunday’s message using our sermon based curriculum.

  • Groups meet in a variety of different places. From meeting on a campus, in a home, and even online.

  • Leading a Group isn’t about being perfect. It’s about giving people a place to connect with others, caring for them, and helping to grow their faith. We believe God uses Groups to change people’s lives. If this interest you, the first step is to complete the Growth Track.