It's the best week of the year! June 15-19, 2025…. we’re going to camp!
Student Camp is for students who are currently in grades 6th-12th. It is a five day experience at NorthBay Adventure Camp in North East, MD that features ziplines, Adventure Course, giant swing, beach volleyball, rock wall and more! We’ll stay in cabins, play amazing games and tournaments, and enjoy daily sessions that include great speakers and worship leaders.
Student Camp registration for 2025 is now open.

This includes a bus to and from Maryland, meals while at camp, cabins, and activities.
All payments are due by May 29. All funds are non-refundable.
Scholarships are designed to support students and families who are truly unable to afford the cost of camp, not simply those who appreciate us offsetting the price of camp. The amount of each scholarship will be determined once donations are received.
If you would like to donate towards camp, please select the button below.

Mark your calendars! We will have a Parent Meeting at your campus on Wednesday, May 28th during Student Groups from 7:30-8:30pm in the auditorium, led by your campus student manager.
Arrive At Camp/Settle In
Launch Party
Morning Session
Tribal Battle
Free Time/Tournaments
Evening Session
After Party
Morning Session
Tribal Battle
Free Time/Tournaments
Evening Session
After Party
Morning Session
Tribal Battle
Free Time/Tournaments
Evening Session
After Party
Morning Session
Arrive at Home!

Safety is our number one priority while at camp. It is mandatory that every student fill out the Student Camp Health & Liability Form included in the registration process. include the link over the Student Camp Health & Liability https://watersedgechurch.churchcenter.com/people/forms/865738
Students will be assigned a leader and small group based on their grade and gender. All of our leaders have gone through a detailed background check and training.
Students will be in cabins which sleep 28 along with their small group and leaders. Bunk beds with vinyl mattresses will be provided. Please pack a sleeping bag or sheets for twin-sized beds.
We will take 7-8 busses to Northeast, MD.
In order to protect all of our students at camp, if your student is caught will an illegal substance at camp the parent or guardian will be called and asked to pick up their student from camp immediately. Your student will be removed from all activities until you arrive.
In order to protect all of our students, upon check-in, you will be required to hand over your student’s medication to our nursing staff. The medication will remain with the bus leader during the bus ride and will be given to the nurses for distribution throughout the week. If your student needs to carry their medication due to a life-threatening condition, you will still check it in with the nurses for awareness, but the medication may remain with your student for emergency access. (example: insulin or inhaler)