Join us as we celebrate the commitment made between parents, God, and the Church to raise kids to know, love, and serve God.
Register your kid from Birth to Grade 5

Kid Dedication is intended to celebrate the commitment made between you the parent, your kid, God, and the Church.
Kid Dedication is for you parents: It’s an opportunity for you to publicly declare that as a parent you commit to lead and spiritually nurture your kid to know, love, and serve Jesus.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
And Kid Dedication is for the Church: As a Church, we are committing to partner with you to help your kid know the Bible, love His Church, and help them love and live for Jesus.
If you have kids Birth - Grade 5 that have not been a part of Kid Dedication, we would love for them to participate. We host Kid Dedication twice a year.
We recommend that Kid Dedication be made once per kid. This is not something you need to repeat multiple times.
We do not practice infant baptism. The Bible teaches that baptism is an outward symbol displaying a person's inner decision to follow Jesus. It is our hope and prayer that when your kids understand salvation and decide to follow Jesus for themselves they will choose to be baptized. But, until then, Kid Dedication is an opportunity for you as the parent to commit to nurture your kid’s spiritual development.
If you and your kid want to know more about salvation and baptism, we offer an experience called the Big Splash for elementary school aged kids.
Our Kid Dedications take place during our worship experiences at each of our campuses during all of our service times. Once you register, you will receive an email with all of the information you need for Kid Dedication for your specific campus. Together, as a church we will pray over you and your commitment to lead and spiritually nurture your kid to know, love, and serve Jesus.
Attend church regularly. Pick a consistent time and location to help your kid build a relationship with their leaders and other kids their age.
Stay connected to Waters Edge Kids on Facebook and Instagram for conversation prompts and online resources
Pray for your kids
Volunteer on a team and join a Group - help your kids see you active in the local Church
Recommended Devotionals:
-Download the Bible App for Kids
-Know God - A 28 Day Devotional Experience For Kids
-The Purpose Driven Life Devotional For Kids - Rick Warren
-You Can Count On God - Max Lucado